06 June 2009

what have the world becoming into??

The earth is literally being 'cooked' and WE, the minor actors in it are- sorry to say- behave very appalingly shameful (thats three times shame on you!!) despite claiming ourselves how refine and civilized we are. Is it really so??

Have you read the newspaper today? The same stories with just different titles and victims keep on repeating itself. Showing us how maddening a human can be when he submit himself to his desire.

Evil has appeared on land and sea beacuse of what the hands of man have earned {ar-rum: 41}.

I just can't stomach any more thoughts of how wonderfully 'proclaimed' undying love of human is when we ourselves are the ones who did all the 'good' deeds to those whom we pledge an oath to love and cherished all our life. On second thought, maybe they did just that: 'love' = 'make love' and 'cherished' = 'hold you tight' @ 'make you feel safe' (with money and 'tender' words as compensation for what they did or for what they didn't do)


well, I have nothing much to say except that the human really are boisterously unrestrained in getting what they want in life.. behaving as in there are no rules at all in this world. Its possible they can make a bend in 'human's rule' but believe me, they will not do so in front of The Ruler of all Ruler, Allah the Almighty.

Here's some 'delightful' stories for you to read:

>>>> apabila manusia bertuhankan nafsu, inilah jadinya:

1. the grandpa of all devils

2. the craiglist scrutiny

Have fun reading it!!

(if what i wrote seems to provoke any sensitivity or looks like it comes from anger and feeling dissatisfied with whomever it may concern, please do know that i am intent to do so)

Apa sekalipun, kembalilah pada-Nya:
Katakanlah, "wahai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri! Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sungguh, Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang." {az-zumar: 53}

1 comment:

Tinta MR said...

salam ziarah ~~~ =)