12 December 2014

kenapa saya pilih UM

bagi yang belajar di Malaysia, pasti anda pernah dengar phrase ni: 'kalau nak buat masters, jangan buat di UM'. dan inilah ayat yang acap kali saya dengar, seolah-olah macam dah jadi satu stigma yang menakutkan.

UM tough, kerja banyak, tak ada masa nak belajar.
UM tough, passing rate minimal. 

eh.. iye ke ni?

alkisahnya, saya adalah salah seorang 'mangsa'.
i've heard of all this prejudice statement ..
but despite all that .. i still choose UM.
and i did it in a heart beat really.
i dont even ask for other university
i simply keep my foot down on this.

the reason?
hanya semata-mata kerana ADA RAMAI AKHAWAT DI SINI.
itu saja sebabnya.

my hardworking sisters is here.
my family is here.
my anchor is here.
my strength lies with them.
and therefore, HERE I AM> alhamdulillah.

sesungguhnya perancangan Allah itu lah yang lebih baik.
alah bisa tegal biasa.
sibuk dan stress tu biasalah.
you have to work for it. 
be it work hard. or work smart. 
Allah beri sama rata 24 jam kepada semua orang.
ultimately, its not about how much work you have, but really its how you manage your time and prioritise. 

saya ada seorang classmate ni, setiap hari berulang-alik dari Melaka (lebih kurang sejam setengah) untuk datang ke UM. nampak macam lebih sedikit masa kan berbanding kami yang lain.
tapi he's one of the top student in my class. 
assignments always finish earlier than the rest. bukan sehari dua awal tau. tapi seminggu awal! dengan kualiti yang bagus lagi.
sempat aje belajar, and he's respond well in class too. 
mereka boleh buat, kenapa tidak kita?

ya.. memang keupayaan dan kebolehan masing-masing x sama.
but nobody asking you to do it alone.
bersatu kita teguh
bercerai kita roboh.

sebetulnya, belajar di UM mengajar saya banyak benda.
be it academically, professionally, or spiritually. 
time management. 
stress management.
family boot camp. 
believing in yourself. 
believing in others. 
taking everything in stride and keep pushing for the best. 
keep on improving.
going forward. 
work hand in hand with your brothers and sisters. 
and share the JOY and PAIN with them. 

insyaAllah, the world is yours to take. 

apa sekalipun, pulangkan segalanya pada Yang Maha Berkuasa.

and dont let such a petty excuses stop you from relishing your full potential! 

my point is: 
datanglah UM. hehe. ^-@
jangan risau,
Allah takkan beri kita sesuatu yang kita tak mampu.
give yourself some credit. 
you are way much stronger than what you think you are. 

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