18 August 2009

blanks are meant to be fill !!

Yesterday, when i finally met up with my beloved sisters, I knew right away that something wasn't right with the state of my heart. Well, to be exact, I knew beforehand what's actually happen inside my heart. All sores and holes. Why? Because i neglected the 'call' whether its planned or unplanned act. Like the saying goes, you reap what you sow. It's the same situation like when you know your car's tank are reaching critical level yet you yourself don't have the energy to go to the petrol station to fill it up. In this case, call triple A ( i mean the real AAA, CALL FOR HELP. Don't just lay low and die!)

All these incidents left me to one main conclusion: BLANKS ARE MEANT TO BE FILL. Especially if the one that is blank is YOUR HEART. If you choose to just let it be, the blanks will be filling with dust, dirt or any unwanted excess 'baggage'. Why let yourself fallen from grace when you can have all the glory and fame bestowed by Him in jannah?

The choice is in your hand. Make it happen.


You know who... said...

Mengalah itu bukan sikap kak Baiz
Pesimis juga bukan sifat kak Baiz
All the best sis!!!

wayfarer said...

kak baiz... rindulah.. hehe ^_^