11 October 2008

How we see the world...

Nothing is permanent in this world
neither evil nor good
neither grief nor happiness

Difficulties strengthen us
but by no means they also can destroy us.
for it depend on how we treat the events that happen in this world.
it is not the situation itself that is dangerous or disgraceful,
but it is our attitude to it that can only worsen its consequences.

Strong spiritual state and inner peace
is the fortitude that gives us the strength,
the strength to keep on going along the thorny path of life,
without grumbling about troubles
or sinking and giving in to the depths of despair
but instead it will push us to be stronger,
changing people and the world surrounds us to the better.

How do we do this?
The answer is obvious
and present all along the way
open your heart
and truly see
by worshipping Him
and loving Him only
will us achieve the true meaning of victory.

life gives us a thousand chances
so that you will not cry later on.

excerpts from Mir Obrazovaniye ( The World of Souls) by Shamil Alyautdinov, 2006
translated from Russians to English; and modified by Baiz.

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