28 January 2011

lesson relearn

Akhirnya saya dah menjejakkan kaki ke department yang ke-5: O&G. Day 12 of life here. Just like a newborn: still have so much thing to learn and skills to be sharpen along the way. Life is busy as always.

Terfikir juga, apa sebenarnya yang saya dah belajar dalam department2 yang sebelum ini?? kalau nak disimpulkan kepada satu ayat...

1. ortho - a place where you'll learn the survival of the fittest. The going gets tough, but the tough keeps going...

2. surgical - a place where you'll learn to project and marketing yourself, in another word: making you become more efficient and at the same time numb with death.

3. paediatrics - a place where you'll learn that every single thing you do have a significant impact to the world around you. There is nothing else more lovelier than the juiciest truth. Every simple detail is make into account. AND LOVE GOES A VERY LONG WAY...

4. medical - its all about teamwork and sharing the burden (and happiness also). This is the place where you'll need to stay ahead of yourself. Life is afterall more fruitful when everyone lends a hand. Or a shoulder.

5. O&G - its about protecting the future. You will grow up ONLY if you can overcome all the obstacle of life. Take it one step of a time. EVEN A BABY NEEDS TO GO THROUGH THE HARDSHIP OF MOULDING HIMSElF INTO A VERY TIGHT BIRTH CANAL FOR HIM TO BE BORN ALIVE! (after all, we're calling it labour right?? )
No pain No Gain .

~~~~sentiasa cuba mengingatkan diri untuk sentiasa bersyukur apabila dapat menyaksikan keajaiban kelahiran di depan mata saban hari... T_T syahdu... ~~~~~

1 comment:

sumonewhooncecalledyouauntybee:) said...

salam akak..
saya rindu akak..

nak call akk, tapi tatau bila waktu yg sesuai.. huhu~