11 January 2008


Ever believe in being lucky? Being truly blessed to have everything your way? Well, okay, maybe not everything, ‘almost’ everything then. I believe everyone in this world will be secretly hoping to meet their one-and-only perfect partner, achieve their long-sought ambitions, and live happy-and-easy-but-meaningful lives. The truth is, there is a fine clear line between those who are the winners and the losers.

The winners are those who think they are lucky and create their own ‘luckiness’. Mind you, for Muslim, we are required to fight for it, not just sit back and relax, after all that, AND THEN you can hope for good results. Yes, what we get is rahmat (gift) from Him but remember this [13:11] – from surah Ar-Raad: Allah will not change the fate of someone if he himself will not change. To survive in this dog-eat-dog world, you have to have knowledge, perseverance, and the most importance of all THE MIND OF A WINNER which are POSITIVITY and BEING LUCKY. I’m not saying that you can really cheat your way up by despising others. It’s just that if you think you can do it and you have the right attitude to do it, then you really can achieve anything your mind can think of. The possibility is endless. Those who think they are lucky tend to achieve more success and happiness. (By right, you still need to crawl your way up in life).

Who are this lucky people then?

  1. those who make the most of their opportunities – you have to be open to new experiences and vary your routines even if it’s just getting off the train/LRT/bus a stop early. You may see something interesting or new. (And I’m sure, after experiencing it; somehow you’ll going to love it!)
  2. Those who consider what their inner voice is saying and act on it. Human being have their own subconscious mind or scientifically saying is the inhibitory function of the brain – scientist believe that this is the part that makes a human being a HUMAN, a subconscious mind that prevents a father from raping his own daughter, a feeling that tells its wrong to take what’s not yours without asking,etc. You get my meaning right?
  3. Lucky people expect themselves to be fortunate – be open to the idea of trying a different way of achieving your goals. Expect your relationship to be lucky and successful. Assume that the people around you will be interesting, happy and fun. You will be surprised at the positive effect it has. Of course, you need to SET REALISTIC BUT HIGH EXPECTATIONS.
  4. Lucky people use bad luck to their advantage – compare your plight with other people who are worse off. Concentrate on all the good things that you have and learn from your past mistakes. NEVER EVER assume there’s nothing you can do about the ‘bad situation’ you are in. Do something now- not tomorrow and definitely not next week, to make it better by starting with thinking that you can overcome it. The important thing is to concentrate on finding the solution, not focusing on the problem.



Acaii Jawe said...

slm baiz,

waa, kalau camtu sypun nak jadi lucky jugalah,hehe..:) mmg kekadang kita kena usaha nak dapatkan apa yg terbaik dalam hidup kita..bak kata awk create our own luckiness..:)

baiz said...

salam.. saya budget sarah yg jd first commenter hari ni.. tgk2 org lain plak. hehe.tq singgah sini. =D
ala.. macam dlm lagu 'jika kau fikirkan kau boleh' tuh.. macam tuh lah yg kita kena slalu tanam dlm jiwa. never surrender and give it ur best till the end. apa yg kita dpt, itu lain plak citernyer.

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Salam Baiz.

sy ke, acai ke, sama je. kawan awk jgk.. ngeehee~ well, i guess that u wrote on this topic based on our life here. but for me, i believe that luck prefers prepared minds. i believe in that. and yes. good luck in becoming a lucky ones, too. esply in finishing our journey here. setahun je lg baiz!

Anonymous said...

hehe.. actually sy setuju gak ngn awak srh.unpreparedness is also one of human greatest enemy.. especially org cam sy nih.. hehe.. kerja main ajer.. sy ingat lg entry awak yg suruh focus n berusaha untuk ms depan tuh.. tgh berusaha lah nih.. hehehe.
x sbr nyer nak abes blaja kat sini..blaja tuh ok sebnarnya.yg x lrt tuh nak beratur bayar duit hostel ngn amik visa. hehe.

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

haah! setuju amat! tak larat queeing bayar duit di mos lanka n visa tu. ceh. hamapeh je kan diorg tu. slow sgt. tak larat. smpai bengang2 kadang2 tu. huhu :p

Anonymous said...

hehe. aper lah srh.. x psl2 plak kita 2 nih ngomel kat cni.. hehehehe.x per.. 2 org pengomel yg best!! =P